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A sociophysiological exegesis of Michels "Thinking While Listening"
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Cited, with author name misspelled as "Sacher", in Phylogenetic relationships, ecological correlates, and molecular evolution within the Cavioidea (Mammalia, Rodentia)
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The role of sociophysiology in the medical curriculum
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A sociophysiological approach to aging
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Physiological aspects of social justice evaluations
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Social support and cardiovascular disease
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1972. Kaplan, H. B. In E. G. Jaco, ed., Patients, physicians and illness. Free Press.
Sociophysiological differentiation
28 December 1965. Welch, B. L. Paper contributed to the meeting of the Society for General Systems Research in the History and Philosophy of Science section at the 132nd annual AAAS Meeting in Berkeley, Calif.
Sociophysiologic anatomy of women
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The psychiatric interview (a sociophysiologic study)
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