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Phanerotextual Subjectivity

Displays fully imaginal morphology of sociophysiology
Sociophysiology and evolutionary aspects of psychiatry
March 2004. Gardner Jr., R. J. and D. R. Wilson. In J. Panksepp, ed., Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley.
Reflexionen über den akademischen Lehrer, Forscher und Wegbereiter einer Soziophysiologie
May 2003. Stock, G. Das Gesundheitswesen 65(5):288–294.
The sociophysiology of caring in the doctor–patient relationship
November 2002. Adler, H. M. Journal of General Internal Medicine 17(11):874–81.
[Abstract] [Lexical Ecology]
Comment on "The sociophysiology of caring in the doctor–patient relationship," by Adler, H. M.
April 2003. Mandel, S. and H. Mandel. Journal of General Internal Medicine 18(4):317.
Clinical sociophysiology
20 May 2002. Gardner Jr., R. J. Paper presented at symposium 15, The Social Brain and Psychotherapy: World Psychiatric Association, of the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Affective neuroscience, psychiatry and sociophysiology
2001. Gardner Jr., R. J. Evolution and Cognition 7(1):25–30.
A sociophysiological exegesis of Michels’ "Thinking While Listening"
8 May 2001. Gardner Jr., R. J. Paper presented at symposium 49, Psychotherapy Viewed from a Basic Science–Social Brain Perspective: World Psychiatric Association, of the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Sociophysiology and depression
January 1999. Gardner Jr., R. J. and J. S. Price. In T.E. Joiner and J.C. Coyne eds., The Interactional Nature of Depression: Advances in Interpersonal Approaches. APA.
[Review] The Interactional Nature of Depression: Advances in Interpersonal Approaches
August 2001. Zambarano, L. A. Psychiatric Services 52:1110.
No support for socio-physiological suppression effect on metabolism of paired white mice (Mus sp.)
June 1999. Speakman, J. R. and F. P. Rossi. Functional Ecology 13(3):373–382.
Of domestic and wild guinea pigs: studies in sociophysiology, domestication, and social evolution
July 1998. Sachser, N. Naturwissenschaften 85(7):307–317.
Cited, with author name misspelled as "Sacher", in Phylogenetic relationships, ecological correlates, and molecular evolution within the Cavioidea (Mammalia, Rodentia)
March 2002. Rowe, D. L. and R. L. Honeycutt. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19(3):263–277.
Sociophysiology as the basic science of psychiatry
December 1997. Gardner Jr., R. J. Theoretical Medicine 18(4):335–356.
Psychiatry needs a basic science titled sociophysiology
15 May 1996. Gardner Jr., R. J. Biological Psychiatry 39(10):833–834.
Sociophysiology of well-being in nonhuman primates
August 1991. Mendoza, S. P. Laboratory Animal Science 41(4):344–349.
Sociophysiology of relationships in squirrel monkeys .1. Formation of female dyads
August 1991. Saltzman, W., Mendoza, S. P., and W. A. Mason. Physiology and Behavior 50(2):271–280.
Sociophysiology of squirrel monkeys
1991. Mendoza, S.P., Lyons, D. M., and W. Saltzman. American Journal of Primatology 23(1):37–54.
Sociophysiology — wishful thinking or a necessity: contribution to multidimensional group–psychotherapy research
February 1990. Hess, H. Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 25(3):260–279.
A sociophysiological orientation to small groups
1986. Barchas, P. R. In E. J. Lawler, ed., Advances in Group Processes 3:209–246. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
[Abstract] [Lexical Ecology]
The role of sociophysiology in the medical curriculum
1986. Forgacs, I. Acta Physiologica Hungarica 68(3–4):406–407.
A sociophysiological approach to aging
In press (c. 1986). French, R. and P. R. Barchas. In M. W. Riley and R. P. Abeles, eds., Aging from Birth to Death, Volume VIII: Biosocial Perspectives. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Physiological aspects of social justice evaluations
November 1986. Markovsky, B. Presentation at the Conference on Sociophysiology in Social Relationships. Palo Alto, CA.
Social support and cardiovascular disease
November 1986. Thoits, P. A. Paper presented at the Sociophysiology of Social Relationships Conference. Palo Alto, CA.
Social Cohesion: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
August 1984. Barchas, P. R. and S. P. Mendoza, eds. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Review of Social Cohesion: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
February 1986. Barnerbarry, C., DeWaal, F.B.W., McGuire, M. and E. White. Politics and the Life Sciences 4(2):181–186.
Review of Social Cohesion: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
January 1986. Collins, R. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 15(1):155–156.
Review of Social Cohesion: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
1985. Cacioppo, J. T. Aggressive Behavior 11(4):343–347.
July 1984. Waid, W. M., ed. New York: Springer–Verlag.
Cited, with editor name misspelled as "Ward", in Stress and coping and behavioral organization
May/June 2000. Van Egeren, L. Psychosomatic Medicine 62(3):451–460.
Review of Sociophysiology
August 1988. Paddle, R. N. Australian Journal of Psychology 40(3):357.
Review of Sociophysiology
1986. Zimmer, K. Zeitschrift für Psychologie 194(3):270.
Review of Sociophysiology
June 1986. Lolas, F. Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 36(6):213.
Review of Sociophysiology
February 1986. Wagner, H. British Journal of Social Psychology 25(1):79.
Social Hierarchies: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
June 1984. Barchas, P. R., ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Cited in Individual differences versus social dynamics in the formation of animal dominance hierarchies
16 April 2002. Chase, I. D., Tovey, C., Spangler-Martin, D., and M. Manfredonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(8):5744–5749.
Review of Social Hierarchies: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
Winter 1986. Kaplan, B. H. Journal of Human Stress 12(4):186.
Review of Social Hierarchies: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective
February 1986. Barnerbarry, C., de Waal, F. B. W., McGuire, M., and E. White. Politics and the Life Sciences 4(2):181–186.
Sociophysiology of political attitudes: some preliminary observations from Bangladesh
1980. Quddus, M. A. PhD dissertation in political science, University of Idaho.
The ethological analysis of attachment. Sociometric, motivational and sociophysiological aspects
September 1976. Wickler, W. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 42(1):12–28.
Lire : esquisse socio-physiologique
January 1976. Perec, G. Esprit 453:9–20. Reprinted in Perec, G. (1985) Penser/Classer. Paris: Hachette.
Studies in sociophysiology
1972. Kaplan, H. B. In E. G. Jaco, ed., Patients, physicians and illness. Free Press.
Sociophysiological differentiation
28 December 1965. Welch, B. L. Paper contributed to the meeting of the Society for General Systems Research in the History and Philosophy of Science section at the 132nd annual AAAS Meeting in Berkeley, Calif.
Sociophysiologic anatomy of women
March 1961. Saperstein, R. B. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 16:224–227.
The psychiatric interview (a sociophysiologic study)
January 1955. Di Mascio, A., Boyd, R. W., Greenblatt, M., and H. C. Solomon. Diseases of the Nervous System 16(1):4–9.
[Summary] [Lexical Ecology]
Le myo-œdème sociophysiologique; son intérêt dans la connaissance des états collectifs de malnutrition
1955. Lacroix, A. C. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique et de ses Filiales 48(2):185–191.
Social behavior and autonomic physiology (a sociophysiologic study)
1954. Boyd, R. W. and A. Di Mascio. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 120(3–4):207–212.
Naar een stichting voor Sociophysiologie
1952. Kaiser, L. Medisch Contact 12(9):143–145.
Symbiosis: A Socio-physiological Study of Evolution
1920. Reinheimer, H. London: Headley Brothers.
[Review] Problems of life and mind
10 March 1921. Nature 107:35–37.
Über die zukünftige Soziophysiologie
19 March 1909. Zeliony, G. P. Paper read at the St. Petersburger Philosophischen Gesellschaft. Published July–August 1912 in Archiv für Rassen– und Gesellschafts–Biologie 9(4):405–429.
[Summary] Recent Literature
May 1913. P. W. American Journal of Sociology 18(6):863.
[Full Text] Über die zukünftige Soziophysiologie
1992. D. I. Swopes. Translexicalia I: Wordist Foundations of Sociophysiology (I).

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