The Institute of Sociophysiology
D. I. Swopes, Poldevian Prince.
D. I. Swopes

Our Resident Lectuers

CACA : Château Methuen

Practitioner of cosmopolitan indeterminacy, the probability of encountering D. I. Swopes rambling down rue Poulet in Paris, capering up Capon Alley in Owlstain, gallivanting about calle Gallina in Agua Prieta, or isolating society at ISOCPHYS is as equally great as the contributions Our Resident Lectuer makes to the wordalities of CACA’s CASA, ILE’s LESP, and imbibulating a labioscrotal bolus of gastropod and bubbly whilst comfortably ensconced in a taviette à tous mains ringside to Glamporium’s Playground of Taboo during Glo Bersh at imssoc. In addition, in addition to the paperist broadcast of maniplex research obsessions in the electronic rhapsodies (ER) of JSocPhys, TLex, and JYazs, Swopes explodes a whole lotta senimalistic projects not excluding, perhaps, collaboration (echt geheim, mind you, echt geheim!) with Fatima de Queiros in the development of the Aerolexist™ Airy Arrowscriptor®.

Since be(com)ing managing editor (ME) of the Journal of Yazdehan Studies (JYazs) as the first International Elevenses Conference (INTEC) of Paris was gaspillating over a plateau of palaver in cour du Coq, Swopes has been tickling that organ’s flourishing output on Capon Alley in Owlstain not without duly fondling its input from among all places calle Gallina in the Puerto Viejo of Agua Prieta, massaging all the while in the course of extended pied-à-terrien forays into Gertrude en WY’s Pullet Lane the continuing ORL textual senimalism of Words to Make a Story Out of, a Situation of Narrative Exile (SNE), and so on with the more groping excursion into schizomythology, promiscuous textuality, and plagiary by anticipation as evinced by the plurimanual group-job of Nabokov’s Infernos. As for wordism, D. I. Swopes’s Serious Novelistic Encounter (SNE) with the post-Moéu monde morne as configured through the southeasterly facing window of this discontiguous author’s “studio-loft” atop the duplex situated on the fifth and sixth floors, front, of building numéro onze of soi-disant “Chicken Street,” Lutèce, Gallo-Frankdom, as that realm was debarked into by our textually promiscuous indeterminate cosmopolitan practitioner of biune dialexicalia that very inaugural evening of the First Day of the Dark Fortnight of the First Lunation of the First Cycle of Yazdeh-Anno I has been tergivociferating since that time upon to refute their loose ideas and various other errors anent our anastomotic logogriph’s status as or intimate relations with a Poldevian prince in the form of the yazdehan ludict Words to Glom Mark Make a Story Out of.

Maggots Irrupt

D. I. Swopes | Owlstain SCAT | 11 As 144 E.P. | full text : html.

A Finnegans Wake for the common man : Appreciating Dado Udidi (Hamiltonian)’s absolute book entwining schizomythia and taboo in be(com)ing ludict

Kiko Devi, D. I. Swopes, Arnaut Raymond, Chester Kidjaki, Ouida Willoughby Johnson, and Hope Flamingo | Journal of Sociophysiology 00903 | March 2002 | full text : html.

Eleven times eleven words to make a story out of

D. I. Swopes | Journal of Yazdehan Studies | Nº 4 : 1999 | full text : html.

SCHAT v. SNE : The schizomythological analysis of texts as senimalistic praxis

D. I. Swopes | Journal of Yazdehan Studies | Nº 2 : 1997.

Clitalysis of heterolexical subjectivity in a Tagma-Norlian logometry : Implications for wwiii and pussy

D. I. Swopes | Journal of Sociophysiology 00510 | October 1997 | full text : html.

Yazdehanian manifesto (I) : Description of the hendecalexahedron

D. I. Swopes | Journal of Yazdehan Studies | Nº 1 : 1996 | full text : html.

The schizomythological analysis of texts is homologous to the sociophysiology of ritual

Kiko Devi, D. I. Swopes, and Bernard Vighdan | Journal of Sociophysiology 00201 | January 1994.

Of zealots and zombies: A nymphotextual refutation of G. P. Zeliony’s Über die zukünftige Soziophysiologie

July 1992. Translexicalia I.
[Lexical Ecology] [Paperism] [Wordism] [Senimalism]

A SCAT is a SCAT : Schizomythic clues across texts imbricate similarities charting altarian texts

Arnaut Raymond and Chester Kidjaki | Journal of Yazdehan Studies | Nº 3 : 1998.

Nabokov’s Infernos

Schizomythology, promiscuous textuality, plagiary by anticipation

Words to Make a Story Out of

A Situation of Narrative Exile (SNE)

Words to Make a Story Out of

A Schizomythic Narrative of Exile (SNE) in Lutèce

D. I. Swopes