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An account of antlion larval silk production among Mountain Fukari of Iagip

Ouida Willoughby Johnson

A collaborator at CACA, a Community for Analysing and Clitalysing Altarity
As found at ISOCPHYS, an Institution of Sociophysiological Study
Ubicación actual : Owlstain, FZ 23632
Ubicación virtual : ouidajohnson [at] yahoo [punto] com

Brought to fruition in collaboration with Hopi Flamingo of Our Founding Faculty, May 31, 2009.
abstract Acculturation of Mountain Fukari (MF) girls is brought about through an acquisition of natural historical skills in combination with a schizomythology incorporating topographical ways of knowing, both cosmic and sublunary, pivoting about a sociophysiological axis in which a communal ouvroir for producing colorful initiation shawls of womaninity knit from spun strands of antlion silk is proximally, fulcrally, and distally vital. Though my focus in this warp of my work is antlion silk production and its concomitant sociophysiological and natural historical qualia involving proximal tasks such as finding, cooking, drying, and unwinding particular spiroid variants of antlion cocoon first brought to psammophilological light by Otto X. Goldbarg in Psammophilology (Iagip, Black Yurt, 1933), I also intromit a fulcral woof of MF schizomythology, cast a pirn of Iagip’s radial layout, and purl gloating against a distal clitalytical bobbin of non-MF nymphogogical praxis.

[Imaginal Instar]