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Clitalysis of heterolexical subjectivity in a Tagma-Norlian logometry: Implications for wwiii and pussy

D. I. Swopes

Our Resident Lectuers (ORL)

Center for the Analysis and Clitalysis of Altarity (CACA)

Institute of Sociophysiology (ISOCPHYS)

Château Methuen

Owlstain, FZ 23632

Communicated by Prof. Vighdan, September 9, 1997.

abstract The space of heterolexical subjectivity (σHS) is a dynamically structured space, characterisable by wordist geometry (WG). According to the Wave Principle of Wordism (wwiii) — a word is a wave which is, isn't it? — the wordist situation (WS), defined as the intersection, over the course of time (τC), of ν heterolexical subjectivities, can be stated for ν = 2 (the situation of biune dialexicalia (BD) [Vighdan, B., JSocPhys 00111, November 1992]) as the diffractionated refractive differential (δRdD) for any given vector of orality (Vo). A novel approach combining wwiii with octave analysis (α8vo) [Raymond, A. and C. Kidjaki, JSocPhys 00207, July 1994] and traditional rousselian chromolexicography is here presented. Relevance of the results to the theory of plural ubiquitous synchronic sepalian yonicity (pussy) [Devi, K. and G. Schlame, Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (1991), and Schlame, G. and K. Devi, The Promiscuous Text (1995)] is discussed.

Fig. 1.   Morphometrical structure of the octave (8vo) showing horizontal eurasian axis (aea), vertical dene-caucasian (adc) axis, and transecting prolingual cleft (PLC). The intersection of aea, adc, and PLC reflects the dynamics of heterolexical space at the wordist situation (WS), demonstrating the polylexical dynamics of the vector of orality (Vo).


Despite the vagaries of heterolexical parallax, it behooves a wordist to start. And no starting block presents such an ideal combination of rigor and tendresse as the trigamic καθεδρα [1] of octave analysis (α8vo) [2]. The octave (8vo), like the wordist situation (WS) of biune dialexicalia (BD) for which its clitalysis (χ) necessitates [3], inheres fertile morphometries: the horizontal eurasian axis (aea) ratifies, the vertical dene-caucasian axis (adc) empowers, the transecting prolingual cleft (PLC) enacts (Fig. 1). Let no one, however, be deceived. The time-course of orality (τCo) implies neither impetus nor terminus; the be(com)ing fragrance of vectorization should not be confused with the (be)cause-and-(in)effectual fetor of penis [4, 5]. Heterolexical subjectivity is pussy [4, 5]; the difference is merely shorthand. Refraction neither precedes nor ensues from diffraction, and vice-versa; the vector of orality (Vo) is every where at once (εψατω). That it can be teased apart with the speculum of artifact (spA) reveals only our own shortcomings, not hers. The crachat blanche [6] of reflective precipitate (πR) rises to the top, lubriciously aided by rousselian manipulant [7] — yet who would mistake the seed for the flesh, the crust for the core? This palaver is finished, while lesser men drink wine.

Methods and Materials

Following administration of the Later Standard Objects and Forms Test (l–soft) [8] the informant [9] was eased into σHS and secured within WS; spA was carefully positioned in such a way that optimal logophaneric equilibration (logeq) [10] was achieved and maintained throughout the course of χ. Vo was applied as indicated; restraint (ρ) imposed as needed. Wordist residua (WR) resultant to application of Vo was input into the corresponding aea and adc according to established procedure [1, 2]. Standard rousselian chromolexicography [11] was performed on both the refractive diffractional differential and the δRdD; χ2 plagalysis of the jarrist probe (JP) was employed along the PLC to predict topicality (TOP) of the final 8vo of each parabein (Π) [1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12].

Fig. 2.   Results of initial parabein (ΠA), showing a tripartite structure of Vo, b diffractive (D) and c refractive (R) residua, and d rousselian chromolexicographically derived reflectant (RR).


Initial parabein, ΠA, demonstrated a three-part Vo (Fig. 2a) which followed a triphasic τC with the primary and secondary τC sets subdivided into the ordered triplets ΠA(τC(τa1,τa2,τa3)) and ΨA(τC(τb1,τb2,τb3)) containing, respectively, the diffractants D(ΠC(τa1,τa2,τa3)) = {2,3,4} and D(ΠC(τb1,τb2,τb3)) = {5,6,7} (Fig. 2b), and the refractants R(ΠC(τa1,τa2,τa3)) = {ii,iii,iv} and R(ΠC(τb1,τb2,τb3)) = {v,vi,vii} (Fig. 2c). The tertiary τC set, ΠA(τC(τc1)), on the other hand, displayed a remarkable unicity of structure, yielding only D(ΠC(τc1)) = {8} and R(ΠC(τc1)) = {viii} (Fig. 2a-c). Mild discomfort was reported; reflectants were obtained (Fig. 2d).

Fig. 3.   Results of second parabein (ΠB), showing a tripartite structure of Vo, b diffractive (D) and c refractive (R) residua, and d rousselian chromolexicographically derived reflectant (RR); * indicates redundancy.

The second parabein attempted, ΠB, likewise, and not unexpectedly, displayed a three-part Vo and triphasic τC with the exception that primary and secondary τC sets exhibited duplet internal structuring possessing diffractants D(ΠC(τa1,τa2)) = {2,3} and D(ΠC(τb1,τb2)) = {4,5}, respectively, and refractants R(ΠC(τa1,τa2)) = {ii,iii} and R(ΠC(τb1,τb2)) = {iv,v}, respectively, while the tertiary τC maintained a triplet structure similar to the primary and secondary τCs of ΠA of the form D(ΠC(τc1,τc2,τc3)) = {6,7,8} and R(ΠC(τc1,τc2,τc2)) = {vi,vii,viii} as regards, respectively, diffractants and refractants (Fig. 3a–c). As per ΨA(Vo), reflectants were readily obtained for ΨB(Vo) with the slight complication that WRB(τc1)) and WRB(τc3)) exhibited minor symptoms of redundancy (Fig. 3d).

The third and final parabein, ΠC, resulted in a pleasing symmetry of form: three-part Vo presented duplet-triplet-duplet τC patterning with associated diffractant and refractant residua cohering in a provocatively memorable amalgam of sequelae: D(ΠC(ta1,ta2)) = {2,3}, D(ΠC(tb1,tb2,tb3)) = {4,5,6}, D(ΠC(τc1,τc2)) = {7,8}; R(ΠC(τa1,τa2)) = {ii,iii}, R(ΠC(τb1,τb2,τb2)) = {iv,v,vi}, R(ΠC(τc1,τc2)) = {vii,viii}. Reflectant residua proved standard, with only WRC(τc1)), exhibiting redundancy (Fig. 4a-d).

Fig. 4.   Results of third parabein (ΠC), showing a tripartite structure of Vo, b diffractive (D) and c refractive (R) residua, and d rousselian chromolexicographically derived reflectant (RR); * indicates redundancy.

Input of the diffractive-refractive residua, δRdD, [13] into the respective 8vos corresponding to the appropriate parabein was performed (Fig. 5a–c). χ2 plagalysis of JP applied to the PLC of each 8vo found a significant preponderance of bilabiality [14], predicting thus the co-occurrence of same in the lacunality (1,i) of each 8vo. Clitical affixation (CA) of the predicted bilabiality yielded the TOPs of each 8vo, respectively, in the top and far left, respectively, rows (i) along the aea and columns (1) along the adc, respectively, of the morphogenously homologous, though topolexically altarian, parabeins (Fig. 5a–c).

Fig. 5.   Octaves (8vo) containing the wordist residua (WR) for each of the three parabeinsΠA, ΨB, ΨC, thus: (A) 8voΠA, (B) 8voΠB, (C) 8voΠC. Topicalities (TOP) possess habitudes h = +5 for lacunalities i of aea and 1 of adc following clitical affixation of asurdic bilabial pulmonic eggressive lexicality as indicated by χ2 plagalysis of the jarrist probe (JP) employed along the prolingual cleft (PLC) as reported in the text.


In 8voΠA, all wordisms (ν = 1.0) of aea, including TOP(aea), exhibited a Tagmic lexicality, while all wordisms (ν = 1.0) of adc, but not including TOP(adc), which possessed a Gallic lexicality [15], exhibited a Norlian lexicality. Wordisms in 8voΠB, however, presented a more fluid be(com)ing, as predicted by the dynamically structured σHS. Norlian lexicality presented at two habitudes, ii and iv, of aea, and two habitudes, 3 and 7, of adc; Tagmic lexicality, on the other hand, with the exception of TOP(adc), exhibited octavian stability with 8voΠA, presenting only along aea, at habitudes iv, vi, and vii. Moreover, the fluid nature of the dynamicity of σHS resolves itself about the poles of supraverticality, as 8voΠC clearly supports the disrefutation of: all wordisms comprising habitudes of aea, with the exception of TOP(aea), presented Norlian lexicality, while all wordisms comprising habitudes of adc, except for lacunality 7, presented Tagmic lexicality. These findings argue in favor of truth [16] the plural, the ubiquitous, and the synchronic aspects of pussy [5]. In addition, the rostral aspect of wwiii is supported.

PLC(ΠA) exhibited a variance (ν) of .75 for asurdic bilabial pulmonic egressivity, as noted above, with the deviant lacunalities, (7,vii) and (8,viii), demonstrating, respectively, an asurdic apico-alveolar trill (ν = .125) and a coronal-ventral continuance (ν = .125). Significantly, variance of asurdic bilabial pulmonic egressivity for PLC(ΠC) was also ν = .75, with the deviant lacunalities exhibiting exactly homologous habitudes of locality, though with altarian inhabitants [(7,vii) demonstrating surdic apico-dental pulmonic eggressivity, ν = .125, and (8,viii) demonstrating surdic velar pulmonic eggressive approximativity, ν = .125] with PLC(ΠA). Furthermore, PLC(ΠB), though with an asurdic bilabial pulmonic eggressive variance of ν = .625, shared homologicity of deviant lacunalities with both PLC(ΠA) and PLC(ΠC) for two of its altarian habitudes, with the the third habitude of lacunality, (4,iv), manifesting surdic velar pulmonic eggressivity. This significantly high variance for asurdic bilabial pulmonic egressivity along PLC across all three octaves rigorously demonstrates octavian sepalia [5].

But quasi-dependent instantiations of puss do not, in themselves, substantiate pussy; yonicity must be established — which 8vo clearly supports. In 8voΠA, for instance, 7 of 8 (ν = .875) wordisms of aea presented with habitude scores of h = +5 in at least three of their lacunae for asurdic bilabial pulmonic egressivity, asurdic apico-alveolar trillillation, and coronal-ventral continuancy, respectively; ν = .75 for the same habitude lacunalities for wordisms of adc. Similarly, though 8voΠB showed only ν = .375 for the same three lacunalities of habitude h = +5 in wordisms of aea, ν = .75 if coronal-ventral continuancy has been controlled for; wordisms of adc presented ν = .50 for all three habitude lacunalities, ν = .75 if coronal-ventral continuancy has been controlled for. Likewise, in 8voΠC, the same score of ν = .75 resulted in wordisms of both aea and adc for habitude lacunalities presenting h = +5 for asurdic bilabial pulmonic eggressivity and asurdic apico-alveolar trillillation, respectively. These findings not only establish yonicity (4, 5) for wordisms of σHS, but furthermore support Raymond and Kidjaki’s claim [2] for the wordist diagnosticity of wordisms of the form (X)B(X)R(X) where B is the instantiation of habitude h = +5 for asurdic bilabial pulmonic egressivity; R, the instantiation of habitude h = +5 for asurdic apico-alveolar trillillation; and X the instantiation of any habitude category within the range of habitudes h = -5 to +5 for any lacunality [2]. It will escape the attention of no one familiar with pussy that this latter third of Raymond and Kidjaki's claim [2] is but a special case of pus. In addition, the findings relative the wordisms of this study subsume the former two-thirds of Raymond and Kidjaki's claim [2] deeply within pus itself as regards lacunality; as for habitude, another avenue lies open entirely. Likewise, the caudal aspect of wwiii is thoroughly affirmed and pussy is fully achieved.


Along the Tagma-Norlian logometry thus clitalysed, wordism clearly demonstrates parsimonious characterization by wordist geometry of the space of heterolexical subjectivity in which the cognativity of dene-caucasian derivable roots culminating in Norlian lexicality fully interlabiate the eurasian derivable roots culminating in Tagmic lexicality by way of the (X)B(X)R(X) octave generalisable via the plural, the ubiquitous, the synchronic and the sepalian nature of yonicity to (X)B(X)R(X) = (X)R(X)B(X), thus satisfying wwiii. Truth, after all, is a woman.

Notes and References

  1. Certain awordians have taken upon themselves the unedifying aroma of suspicion in regards to the threefold divisions inherent to wordism. But it is due to the nature of the case. If a division is to be parsimonious, it must follow either the α of analysis, and then it is always twofold, or else the χ of clitalysis, and then it is of necessity trichotomous.
  2. Raymond, A. and Kidjkai, C. (1993) JSocPhys 00207 : 19-64.
  3. Insufficient space is here to be purchased to explore in depth the altarian nature constitutive of the α of analysis and the χ of clitalysis. I refer the uninitiated to Ms. Strickland (1983- ) Notes Towards a Schizomythology of Ritual, v. 9, §23.
  4. Devi, K. (1991) Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character Paris, Institute for Lexical Ecology.
  5. Schlame, G. (1995) The Promiscuous Text. Owlstain, Institute of Sociophysiology.
  6. Vighdan, B. (1992) JSocPhys 00111 : 7-17.
  7. Rousselian manipulant, RouMan®, was judiciously provided by Prof. D'Laumes prior to this author's removal to the locale of study. The RouLex® columns necessary to perform rousselian chromolexicography were purchased in a cha 'abran with funds borrowed from CACA for that purpose. The notebook computer with which the researcher was supplied proved to possess insufficient modem ratio, however, to perform the online χ2 plagalysis of the results of the jarrist probe of the prolingual cleft; extemporaneous sources of calculation were thus made use of.
  8. Not to be confused with the Elementary Forms and Objects (efo) test.
  9. Approached to participate in this study, the informant, NY, exhibited initial signs of positive resistance (8voΠA(D(τa1)) = 2, 8voΠA(R(τa1)) = ii). Experienced wordists, however, recognize in such symptoms a deep rooted desire (8voΠA(D(τa2)) = 3, 8voΠA(R(τa2)) = iii) to taste of the edifying fruits of χ; a recognition borne out by the fact that, though her expression was as resolute as the largest of tribes (8voΠA(D(τa3)) = 4, 8voΠA(R(τa3)) = iv), my trained eye discerned that her σHS was as expectant as the loveliest of lambs (8voΠA(D(τb1)) = 5, 8voΠA(R(τb1)) = v). I promised her that no memory of disgrace (8voΠA(D(τb2)) = 6, 8voΠA(R(τb2)) = vi) would persist following completion of the study; she thus consented to the χ of the beginning-root (8voΠA(D(τb3)) = 7, 8voΠA(R(τb3)) = vii) of her σHS. A final hesitation, however, nearly marred the precise logeq I had achieved. Upon catching sight of the standard instruments of rousselian chromolexicography (the viscous luster of the RouMan® rousselian manipulant, the long sturdy shaft of the RouLex® chromolexicographical column), she flushed a healthy purplish scarlet (8voΠA(D(τc1)) = 8, 8voΠA(R(τc1)) = viii). I assured her, while gently applying the vector of orality, that the entire procedure was as painless as letting a beggar loose in a bergerie.
  10. Innisfree, D. Unpublished manuscript. p. 537.
  11. Standard rousselian chromolexicography is immensely facilitated if, in addition to the liberal application of RouMan®, the informant can be persuaded to attain bibulosity (8voΠB(D(τa1)) = 2, 8voΠB(R(τa1)) = ii) of sufficient category to impart to her σHS a dynamicity characteristic of our tree-dwelling (8voΠB(D(τa2)) = 3, 8voΠB(R(τa2)) = iii) relatives. This is one reason why seasoned workers in the field refer to both the κοροι (8voΠB(R(τb1)) = iv) recruited to undergo R in the trigamic καθεδρα of α8vo, and the 8vo sets themselves, as chessboards (8voΠB(D(τb1)) = 4) — all pawns attain to royalty in every king's well-sheltered (8voΠB(D(τb2)) = 5, 8voΠB(R(τb2)) = v) castle. One potential drawback of these working conditions, however, is that too often the informant's eyes may have been naïvely influenced to perceive an idol (8voΠB(D(τc1)) = 6) where there's but an epitome of a researcher's well-handled use of tools, or mistake a proffered L–soft for a rent-receipt (8voΠB(R(τc1)) = vi). Unfortunately, these conditions were in no way alleviated by the endroits in which the work had invariably to be conducted: the small, ill-lit back rooms of those shops in which the natives customarily partake of their elevenses (8voΠB(D(τc2)) = 7, 8voΠB(R(τc2)) = vii). By (8voΠB(D(τc3)) = 8), however, let no field worker confuse his ruddy subjects with the lily-white (8voΠB(R(τc3)) = viii) of his homeland. To possess truth in this country requires a burrasca's callused severity, not shame's kid-gloved subtlety.
  12. The inhabitants of this region are both more primitive and more nativer (8voΠC(D(τa1)) = 2, 8voΠC(R(τa1)) = ii) than their neighbors. Among them, for instance, an eyelash (8voΠC(D(τa2)) = 3, 8voΠC(R(τa2)) = iii) can be a token of deepest endearment; I received many during the course of the eleven months of my fieldwork for this study — which, I must admit, was definitely not an ill-spent ball-year (8voΠC(D(τb1)) = 4, 8voΠC(R(τb1)) = iv)! And that's no sweet nothing (8voΠC(D(τb2)) = 5, 8voΠC(R(τb2)) = v)! ha! ha! ha! I consider my time there a peak-stone (8voΠC(D(τb3)) = 6, 8voΠC(R(τb3)) = vi) of my wordist career, in no way diminished by the Fifth Peril of Profligate Reading (8voΠC(D(τc1)) = 7, 8voΠC(R(τc1)) = vii) I was accused of suffering from. In this author's experience, the entire village of Norlia was as one bed (8voΠC(D(τc2)) = 8, 8voΠC(R(τc2)) = viii), ever prepared for my crepuscular entrance into the parting warmth of its silken sheets. If one, for instance, drank up all the water from the sky, would one then be charged with rain-burglary?
  13. δRd
  14. χ2 = 6 B, 2 ~B for ΨA; 5 B, 3 ~B for ΨB; 6 B, 2 ~B for ΨC; making a total of 17 B, 7 ~B.
  15. For better or for worse, the methods and materials of wordism have yet to succeed in ridding themselves of trace impurities of Gallic lexicality deriving from their origin of manufacture.
  16. As this author has argued elsewhere, occasions arise when more than both is/are needed; the technical term truth has thus been coined to satisfy that need.
  17. This research was supported in part by funds supplied by the easily opened coffers of the Center for the Analysis and Clitalysis of Altarity, Institute of Sociophysiology, Owlstain, FZ 23632. The author would additionally like to thank in particular Prof. Vighdan and his assistants, Hope Flamingo, Kiko Devi, Fatima de Queiros, Gennifleur Schlame et al., for the many intense sessions of heterolexical intercourse over several cans of beer and multiple rubbers of tradine oru from which many of the wordisms of this report benefitted.