The Institute of Sociophysiology
M. S. Strickland

ISOCPHYS-Associated Owlstain Community Member

Owlstain, Château Methuen | Paris, Villa Ballu

Beseechingly tidy beside the snollygoster’s absence, our author (OA) MSS.
Beseechingly tidy beside the snollygoster’s absence, our author (OA) MSS plies and cements the ramet of his contrivance in the secrecy of Kraftfeld dans la cave de ses lares maternels à Gertrude en WY, from astonishment and cheek to linear equations and the stucco of culprits, but offends instead by redeeming evanescently uncongenial in diffusive tide-mobiles that constitute the enhanced argy-bargy of another round of cocktails partaken of by his besotted caretakers (who managed nevertheless to emulsify the prismatic “tilt-moment” into the tintone fiction of congealed heliography) pendant la Transfixion de Sainte Messaline de l’an 105 EP.

Bewitchingly timorous beneath the snow line’s abstraction, our author (OA) MSS poses pauses poises to cerebrate the rampancy of his controversy by all means of the secularism of our ancient (OA) northern Kosmognosy (having been, if not conceived, at least born and raised in Mr. K’s own quondam balneario of Tulpuyauor), from the asymmetry of the Chemakuan languages to lingerie and the student body of cultural anthropology, not to mention oozes to redound everlastingly uncontrollable in digressive tilt-moments and contact the enounced “Ariel” of another round of cocktails whilst bivouacking autour de son dix-neuvième anniversaire on the flanks of Mount Spitmarkx près de Iagip en WY, le 14 tatane (jour de Sainte Anne, pèlerine, énergumène) de l’an 112, un peu avant breaking camp to resume the pilgrimage to the paternal bailiwick of Beulah in the Nestorian Caliphate of North Texas, as recounted in his first Yazdehanity of diligent textwork.

Bibulously tippling above sobriety’s abyss, our author (OA) MSS.

Tintone by Adam Trembart. Château Methuen, Owlstain, Flouz., la Visitation de Mère Ubu de l’an 118 EP, c’est-à-dire, l’instauration de l’Ère Sociophysiologique (ES).

Bibulously tippling above sobriety’s abyss, our author (OA) MSS ponders chalking the ramtils of his convalescence in all sederunts of kudos, from atavism and chemotropism to linnets and the stumbling blocks of cuneiform, but opts instead to reek evocatively uncouth in diligent tint-mongrels and contest the enraptured arithmetic of another round of cocktails imminent to the founding of ISOCPHYS.

Biculturally titrating well beyond the social contract’s academicism, our author (OA) MSS portends to charge the ratio of his conversation with all sedulities of kurtosis, from atheism and chess to lintels and the stuntwomen of cupidity, but ordains instead to reinforce excruciatingly undemonstrative towards dim-witted tipple-monkeys and contravene the enzymatic armature of another round of cocktails in commemoration of the founding sixteen years antecedent of ISOCPHYS.

Bifidly toiling par-delà Sodom’s acanthus, our author (OA) MSS postulates by chattering the rattle of his convictions throughout various segments of kymographic Kabuki, from athlete’s foot and the chiasmus of chevaux-de-frise to lipograms and the Sturm und Drang of curare, as well as oscillating to reiterate exhibitionistically undogmatic vis-à-vis dipsomaniacal tittle-monsters and convene the epicurean array of another round of cocktails ipso facto to the pataphysical ascendancy.

Bifidly toiling par-delà Sodom’s acanthus, our author (OA) MSS.

Tintone by Gloria “Titania” Galvari. Chez Nobé Arinami, Lutèce. En fêtant l’Ontogénie Pataphysique, le 22 Merdre de l’an 137 EP.

Bigamously tooling about the Gordian solace of the solecism’s acclaim que su esposa de Agua Prieta y son épouse d’Owlstain had conspired to subpoena him with, our author (OA) MSS pounces cheerlessly (anent which the tintone desolation of this sedulous autoportrait beneath El-Achim bridge so desultorily attests) on the selcouth ravishment of the convulsive seizures his kaleidoscopic kobold had concomitantly vouchsafed him, from aetio-equineness and clerical chicanery to autonomic lisps and the stylistics of curettage, but osculates instead, so to speak, the pollexical relapse existentialistically undrunk apropos of whatever dainty dirty dotty or even doughty toggle-mortals would detain him, would deter him, would impede his absconding by means of convoking the epiglottal arrogation of another round of solitary cocktails before hitching himself to the aerostat’s valedictory umbilicus and hoving off to the intemperate exile de son premier séjour à Lutèce où il est demeuré du commencement jusqu’à la fin, ou presque, de l’an 120 EP.

M. S. Strickland, To Reek Evocatively Uncouth. Textwork, récits, rime argile. Trade paperback, 128 pages, $9.00.

M. S. Strickland (2019). To Reek Evocatively Uncouth. Textwork, récits, rime argile. Editions MSS. Trade paperback, 128 pages, $9.00. Available from Lulu.

Mutualistic foundations of biomorality.

M. S. Strickland | Journal of Sociophysiology 00703 | March 1999.

What I’m working on now.

M. S. Strickland | Divastigations 6 | Fall 1998 | full text : html | full text : pdf.

Thoughts on various and sundry topics.

M. S. Strickland | Journal of Sociophysiology 00409 | September 1996.

Parasitic communication in panmictic populations. Discussion.

M. S. Strickland | Journal of Sociophysiology 00411 | November 1995.

Parasitic communication in panmictic populations shows signs of apomictic origins.

M. S. Strickland | Journal of Sociophysiology 00311 | November 1994.

Awaiting faith’s monsoon.

M. S. Strickland | JASI : The Journal of the Appalachian Spiritual Institution 1 | Autumn 1990 | full text : pdf.

An examination of the writhings of the mycophilous Flouzianian leaf-cutter ant (Atta flouziana Goldbarg, 1933) in the circular ruins of an antlion trap in the environs of Gertrude, Wyoming.

M. S. Strickland | Gertrude GLEBE | Spring 1983.

Refouler exclusivement l’unique | A yazdehanity of diligent rime argile | Beulah, Lutèce, Owlstain | 1993–2003.

M. S. Strickland | Owlstain and Paris : Editions MSS | 2003 | blurb : html.

To recoup evasively unconscious | A yazdehanity of incipient textwork | Tulpuyauor (Port Uluyau (Tlaour Yuˀup)), Tixpu, Gertrude, Beulah | 1974–1984.

M. S. Strickland | Owlstain and Paris : Editions MSS | 1996 | blurb : html.

To reek evocatively uncouth | A yazdehanity of diligent textwork | Beulah, Gertrude, Agua Prieta, Lutèce, Owlstain | 1984–1994.

M. S. Strickland | Owlstain and Paris : Editions MSS | 1995 | blurb : html.

Synoptic atlas of actors, artists, authors, locations, topics, words, works, and whatnot.

M. S. Strickland | In O. W. Johnson : Divastigations | Owlstain and Paris : Editions MSS | 2010 | full text : html.

The safely waking loam

M. S. Strickland | The Meaner Side | Lutèce | Summer-Fall 2002 | blurb : html.

His demi half, suite et fin.

M. S. Strickland | The Meaner Side | Lutèce | 1998.

His demi half, (II).

M. S. Strickland | The Meaner Side | Lutèce | Spring 1997.

His demi half (I).

M. S. Strickland | The Meaner Side | Lutèce | November 1996.